Now I am beginning to settle into a bit of a routine. I know where to buy corn flakes, soy milk and dried pasta, I have a favorite restaurant ("hotel"), and I know how to direct autos so they take me home. These things may sound trivial but they took a long time to figure out! There have been lots of pleasant discoveries. There is a terrific beach for morning walks less than a kilometer from where I am staying - a peaceful pedestrian street along the sea that fills up with walkers (human and bovine) around 7AM.
Everywhere in the city extremely comfortable lightweight cotton clothing can be found at very low prices. There's an ironing wallah (man ironing behind a stand on the street) a few doors down from my office who irons my clothes for 3 rupees (6 cents) per garment. There is tea each afternoon that is milky and sweet and sometimes arrives with a piping hot samosa. My office is very near one of India's preeminent dance schools, just gearing up for the winter concert series. It is a good life!
Hi Laura,
I don't suppose you were thinking about homeowners insurance when the monsoon hit... Were you? Glad to hear that you survived it alright.
Thanks for sharing your adventure with us. I can't believe it has already been four weeks.
If I send you some ironing do you think you could get that same deal (6 cents) for me?
Have a great weekend Laura.
I'm very glad to see a post like this. It sounds like things are flowing along a little more smoothly than when you first arrived, or you're taking things in stride much better.
Navigating your way towards a routine of some sort is a key part of feeling comfortable. Besides the ironing wallah, do you have regular people you interact with along your journeys?
We think of you often and are glad to have an occasional update from your neck of the woods.
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