Today I got a new mobile. If you want to contact me from the States, dial 011-91-9940213224. I've noticed that Indians always answer their phone no matter what is going on around them - a meeting, a presentation (where they are the presenter), a one-on-one conversation. I don't think this is my style - so if I don't answer, please try me again. I don't have voicemail on this line.
I am finally aware enough of my surroundings to be able to spot my location on a map:
View Larger MapI stumbled upon this temple on an evening walk on the beach:

Laura, Congrads. When writing to you do we address it as following?
L. B.
Jayaram St. Thiruvanmiyur
Chennai, TamiNadu
or do we add something like a zip code too?
Laura, if someone is trying to call you from the US, please advise them to buy a calling card to India and then call your cell phone...
just directly dialing 011-91-and your number would be expensive from the US.
Good point! A calling card would be better. Here is a reference:
The price is 6 cents/minute. This page details how to make a call:
the temple looks pretty amazing...... i wonder what secrets it holds..
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