Thanks for all the wishes, thoughts and prayers for my grandmother. I am happy to report that she is in good spirits, building up an appetite, and ready to come home from the hospital, hopefully tomorrow.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thanks for all the wishes, thoughts and prayers for my grandmother. I am happy to report that she is in good spirits, building up an appetite, and ready to come home from the hospital, hopefully tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Luang Prabang to Bangkok to Amritsar
After Laos I had a whirlwind 24 hours in bangkok and then on to Delhi and today Amritsar. So far loving Amritsar. It feels like another planet. The energy and vibrancy on the streets here is like nothing I've felt in the past few weeks- actually like nothing I've felt ever. Riding in a bicycle rickshaw from the train station into town, sun shining down, so many people in the streets, packed into vehicles, all shouting, laughing, smiling, waving. So much happy chaos. I'm struck by how unusually friendly and curious everyone is here. Next up - going to visit the Golden Temple for sunset.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I finally have a new camera after my old one developed a fatal lens error on the beach in Chennai. So here are some pictures from our first day in Luang Prabang.

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Here is the link for Sadhguru's talk in Bellevue on March 24:,com_program/program_id,1785/task,details/
Sadhguru in Seattle March 24
Hello! It's been a long time since my last blog update. Wanted to let seattle friends know about a great event coming up- my guru is giving a talk in Bellevue on March 24. If you have any interest or curiosity about yoga or meditation I would highly recommend! Sadhguru is charismatic, funny and of course incredibly insightful- I assure the evening will be a pleasure. Let me know if you attend! I will post details soon (having difficulty posting the link from this computer).
This morning I'm writing from the airport in Singapore as I am en route to Malaysian Borneo. The last few weeks in southern india have been terrific. Received an ancient mantra from a yogi in a cavernous room in the nilgiri mountains, watched the sunrise over the waters of three seas at the very tip of the indian subcontinent, gorged on tender coconut and fresh fish while drifting on a houseboat through the keralan backwaters, received a blessing from an elephant at hindu temple built in the 11th century, trekked through tea, coconut and cardamom plantations, engaged in a two hour conversation with a renowned ayurvedic doctor, and yesterday observed some colorful holi festivities. I'm taking just a two week leave from India but already missing it! Also looking forward to adventures in Borneo and Laos. So far I can say the singapore airport Tiger airways terminal is fantastic. Free internet, free drinking water and it is very clean. They are even giving out free candy... amazing. Love from the road!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Marriage & Meditation
The week after returning from Isha was especially great because Deb, a friend and fellow Chennai-based AJWS volunteer, stayed at my place while she was attending a mediation course at Sivananda. We had great conversations about spirituality, yoga and judiasm every morning over coffee and fruit salad before we both headed off to work at our respective NGOs.
Knowing that I'm going to be leaving Chennai soon I've been savoring all my experiences here even more than usual. I've been so grateful for the absolute wonderful group of colleagues and friends who have greeted me so warmly here. Leaving this place for my next adventure is going to be truly bittersweet.
This past weekend in Chennai was my last, and it was definitely a good one. Balaji, a friend from Seattle invited me to his sister's marriage. Wow! 2000 people and three solid days of ceremonies. So many symbols, rituals, flowers, blessings, gifts, people, drums, cameras, and delicious foods. It was a lot of fun. I wore a sari and that was fun too.
A picture of the bride and groom:
A picture of Balaji: